After Hours
CPD Case #2017-010936
Columbia Car Rental, 2115 Rangeline St., reported a burglary. The suspect shattered a window and entered the business. Video surveillance turned over to CPD shows this male…

Breaking Glass (Part 2)
CPD Case #2017-010851
JT's Cutz, 804 Old Highway 63, reported a third incident of property damage at their business. The front door of the business was shattered. Video surveillance turned over…

Speedy Fast
CPD Case #2017-010800
Victim reported a theft outside Jimmy John's, 1019 E. Broadway. Several individuals caused a scene nearby the victim during which time several items were stolen from the victim.…

Downtown Robbery, 2017-010797
CPD Case #2017-010797
Victim was approached by suspects outside the Menser Building, 1015 E. Broadway. One of the suspects struck the victim in the eye several times before taking items from the…

Not So Clean Getaway
CPD Case# 2017-010434 & 2017-010563
The vacuum bandit is at it again! All three Columbia Walmarts have reported thefts of vacuums. Photos turned over to CPD show this male as the possible suspect.…

Just [Don’t] Do It
CPD Case #2017-010460
Victim had belongings, including credit cards, stolen from her vehicle while it was parked at the Bear Creek Trail, 2799 N. Garth Ave. The suspect(s) then attempted and…

Tiger Stripes
CPD Case #2017-010534
Silverball Bar, 122 S. Ninth St., reported a theft of a large tiger painting and two lighted signs from the business. Video surveillance turned over to CPD has these two as…

Special Financing
CPD Case #2017-010434
Walmart, 1201 Grindstone Blvd., reported a shoplifting where the suspect retrieved a vacuum and exited the business through the Garden Center without paying for the item. Photos…

Gifted Clone
CPD Case #2017-008931
The victim had her debit card cloned and fraudulent purchases, including gift cards, were made at Walmart, 415 Conley Road in Columbia, and Walmart, 4820 S. Clark St. in Mexico,…

Cargo Combatant
CPD Case #2017-010311
Field House Bar, 1107 E. Broadway, reported an assault that occurred on the sidewalk in front of the bar. The suspect approached the victim, removed his shirt, and hit the…

Safety First
CPD Case #2017-010235
Gilbane Motor Sports, 608 Nebraska Avenue, reported a theft of a helmet from the business. Video turned over to CPD shows this male as the possible suspect. If you have any…

All Sales Final
CPD Case #2017-010192
The victim had a credit card and ID stolen from her vehicle. Attempts to purchase electronics with the card were made at Walmart located at 1201 Grindstone Parkway. Photos…