“Cold” Case
CPD Case #2017-013663
Bass Pro Shops reported a shoplifting after a male entered the store, concealed a jacket, and left without paying for it. Video surveillance turned over to CPD has this person…

Cash Back
CPD Case #2017-013665
DK Motors located at 701 Big Bear Boulevard reported a theft after a male entered the business and took cash from a cash register. He then left the business in an older red…

Frat Freebooters
CPD Case #2017-013094
Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity reported a burglary after two males entered the home through a window and took a plaque before leaving. Video turned over to CPD has these two…

Brick Barrage
CPD Case #2017-013223 & 2017-013224
Kappa Delta Sorority & Shiloh's in downtown Columbia reported vandalisms after someone threw a brick through the window of each place. Video turned over…

Tag Teamed
CPD Case #2017-012978
Hy-Vee at 3100 West Broadway reported shoplifting after two females stole baby formula on three separate dates. The females entered a gold GMC Yukon with tinted windows. Video…

Changing Room Caper
CPD Case #2017-012314
JC Penney's reported a shoplifitng after a customer took Nike clothing items into a changing room. The customer exited the room and left the store with the clothing items concealed…

Credit A La Carte
CPD Case #2017-011055
The victim lost her credit card and found several unauthorized charges. The card was used at several local stores to include: Best Buy, Foot Locker, Break Time, and Walmart.…

Dash Liquor Attempted Robbery, 2017-011793
CPD Case: 2017-011793
Dash Liquor located at 2102 Paris Road reported a robbery on October 29, 2017. The suspect entered the business wearing a mask and carrying a backpack, displayed a handgun…

CrimeStoppers offers reward for video surveillance IDs
CrimeStoppers is offering cash rewards for tips identifying and/or assisting in locating possible suspects of crimes observed on video surveillance.
Closed-circuit television (CCTV), known…

Funny Money
CPD Case #2017-012370
Toys 'R Us at 1901 Bernadette Drive reported a forgery after a customer passed a counterfeit $100 bill. Video turned over to CPD has this male as the possible suspect. If you…

Thefts from vehicles
CPD Case #
Victims reported several thefts from motor vehicles in the downtown area, Stadium Bar and Grill, Hollywood Theatre, and McGinty's Pub on 10/13/17. Video surveillance turned over to…

Secret Shopper
CPD Case #2017-011057
Victims reported packages stolen from at least three residences in the Spring Creek & Thornbrook neighborhoods. Video surveillance turned over to CPD shows this vehicle…